This project is a reflection of what a rental facilitation application might look like (with a focus on the landlord's needs)
The Rentsly app is designed to help landlords manage all their properties in one space: stay up to date on payments, see what needs to be fixed by repair requests of their tenants and stay organized.
It also functions as an app for the tenants, where they can see all the information about their home, open repair requests and stay updated with bills.
The main usecase is when a landlord has several apartments and needs to manage them.
After mapping out the app and its touchpoints, I found several main flows the full app will contain, divided into 3 main views: landlord’s (my focus), tenant’s view and repair specialists view.
Landloard view:
🔹 Add a property to “my list”
🔹 Invite a tenant to a property
🔹 Approving a repair request from tenant
🔹 Tracking overdue rent & asking for payment
🔹 Finance tracking
The Rentsly app is targeted for market, where tenants don’t have to submit 12 checks for the full contract, they pay monthly (USA, Europe, ets.).
This causes their landlord to be a lot more active with collecting payment and staying updated on this properties.
The app can generate revenue by collecting a precent of the rent from the landlord for the mangment, or collect a precent of the repair price for listing proffesionals.
When I had a clearer picture of the market and main business modal. I ran an ideation session and sketched, the sketches the main focus was on the main screen to manage finance and add flow to add a new property.
The “Overview” screen contains agregated data of the landlord’s account, with different metrics to track.
This page contain 3 main KPIs - statistics presented in graphs and charts (for better visibility of income & expenses), history of income & epxenses and main proreties info(overdue payments and the property lease statuses). Each of them is clickable and will lead you to the relevant information.
The app has 4 menu tabs:
overview(main screen), properties, inbox and my account.
The first action user takes after Launching App and creating an account is adding a new property.
“Add property” is divided to two main pages, In order to ‘lighten the load’ and provide a gradual experience.
Contains only mandatory fields that must be filled in order to add a property. The CTA will only be enables when the fields are filled.
Contains the non mandatory fields, therefore the CTA will always be enables so the user could skip or fill later on.
When complete, an invites page will appear, with different sharing options and the invite link.
“Properties” screen displays all the properties for the landlord. It has an option to search, sort by (overdue rent, lease-end…), and ‘add’ button for new properties. Each property card holds necessary high-level info:
🔹 "Paid" or "Overdue rent tag for easier scanning of the page.
🔹 Monthly rental price and end date of lease period.
🔹 Address & picture for recognition.
When taping on the card, it expands into the full view of the property. The content is divided with a tabs bar for less cognitive load and grouping of the information. Tabs contain: “Contact” (for communication and important updates), “Payment” (for history and new requests), “Repairs” (for history and new/pending requests), and “Details” (for general items and documents)
“Inbox” page is divided into 2 tabs - messages and updates.
In order to seperate messeges from tenants and system updates (rent is expired, lease expired, repair complete…)
Each tenant that is added to a home is automaticly added in this page.
As part of the overdue rent flow, when the landlord taps on the ‘request rent’ inside the property page, a notification is sent to the tenant in the app messanger.
The goal is to allow in app payment via payment services (such as bit, paypal...)